MR South Africa Semi Finalist 2012:

Bar-One Manhunt Finalist 2013

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

"East Rand Stereo" Interview

Just click on the title to listen in on the Live Interview with "East Rand Stereo"

Radio life is certainly an amazing industry - I had the pleasure of a Live Interview on "East Rand Stereo" during the Breakfast show on 93.9fm. The DJ's were great, they had there content lined up and asked some really interesting questions that did cover the detail of the competition; and myself as a Semi-Finalist.
Some interesting topics were covered in the discussion, from my looks and body right through to wearing Speedos during the competition - truly great listening!

A big thank you goes out to East Rand Stereo, I really do appreciate the assistance and exposure that you have given me... It was loads of fun.


  1. Is this for real?

    You think your "looks and body" is an 'interesting topic' and makes for 'truly great listening'?

    Read this:


  2. Hi Matthew

    Your point is noted:
    Even though the Mr South Africa competition is viewed at first glance as good looks and great body, it is much deeper than just this cliche and does bring more quality and good to the public out there. We deal with worthy charities and do assist in providing a great deal to these causes. I do apologise if the Interview was not focused more on these topics and I do promise that next time we will highlight the more "interesting" areas of concern so that it truly can be great listening for all...

